Friday, 29 July 2016

Wood Paper Stone

Above is one of two wood drawings I completed last night all part of my nearly finished 'Graham's Conifer Series'

Above the other one. The reason the series is almost complete is due to the fact that I have nearly used all the the cuts of wood I had only a few to go.

I had another little go at honing my bio the other day, every now and again I re-write it so here is the latest one.


I am an abstract Artist living and working in St Ives, Cornwall. I started exhibiting in earnest around 15 years ago and had my first solo show in 2008/9, although I had been 
dabbling since the late 80's. Since then I have been in many group shows and quite a few solo shows.

My work is mainly drawing with small marks, dots, lines and grids. From small works on 'sea pottery' and stones that I use for 'art drops', to larger A1 size drawings on paper.

I was brought up in a few English towns and cities, my Father worked for Kodak which is where my fascination for dots must have started. Looking at photos and newsprint with a 
magnifying glass and seeing the whole world was made of dots.
I use concepts and processes to arrive at a set of rules for each drawing these might be as straight forward as I must try my new pens out to what would it look like if I did a whole 
A1 work using a very small nibbed pen.

Over the last year or so I have had gallery representation and am now trying to get my work further afield. I now do a daily blog it is a very good 
discipline for me and my thought processes and a good platform for me to show what an artist does each day. I have started an irregular series of handmade 'Wotnot Art Books' and 
work mainly on Wood, Stone, Slate, Sea Pottery and Paper.

The above images from my art book 'Double Chill' that were taken by Jordan Laurence Jackson and sent off with that bio. He also has his photos used by Tate St Ives from time to time and does a fab job.

Today I have helped facilitate a crystal resin workshop at The Barnoon Workshop, I also have been down to my framers to have a little alteration made to one of my frames for mine and Zoe's exhibition that opens on Monday at CafeArt St Ives.

Above and below are some close ups of an A1 size drawing I have embarked on which I was hoping would be done for the exhibition but now I very much doubt if it will be finished in time. The image above shows a timeline of probably nearly ten hours work done over five or six sessions, maybe it is more than ten hours, hey who's counting.....

Make of this what you will but you can see the toe ends of my Vans.

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