Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Plastic Fusion, Meeting and making.

Above a drawing I finished last night as promised. I found it difficult to draw whilst the football was on and on that note, well done Iceland.

Above another drawing I completed last night, I am not sure whether it is a lines and dot drawing or that because it is just the wedge nib mark it counts as a dot and even stretching that a bit further is it a printing work.

Above is a cover of a book I made today out of plastic fusion, card and cartridge paper and I am already thinking do I make a whole work out of this roughly constructed book. I am not having fully formed thoughts at the moment but I am sure something will come to me, as you may know if you read these blogs regularly or sometimes you will know I am not short of having ideas it is just having time to do all them.

Also today has been full of painting blackboards, lunch and a meeting at Naomi Frear's studio, hoping to set up an arts festival. Some very good ideas went into/cam out of this evenings meeting. Naomi's studio has a lovely vibe and also that great view of the ocean.

I am now quite tired and rather than ramble on I have some drawing to do and some relaxation.


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