Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Dots, Plastic Fusion, Half Term

Above is a piece of plastic fusion I made today at a workshop at Barnoon today, it is a great way of recycling plastic carrier bags. I even managed to find some dots to put on it. I am thinking I might make a book cover out of it, maybe I should make the paper to go in it.

Above is a drawing I finished last night in my newish 'whole' sketchbook and I started a few more with a 'bleed through' which I shall probably finish tonight.

I was trying to find a suitable place for an 'art drop' but I couldn't find the correct discrete place but I do have a few in mind but it is tricky in Half Term to get away from people. We have noticed over the last few weeks that there are a lot more German visitors this year in town and one of the ladies on this afternoon's workshop was saying that it could be because one of the budget airlines are now doing two flights a week to Newquay Airport.

Nice bit of graffiti that has appeared around town recently I think. I saw one last year and I do like this angler fish. I don't like to see graffiti everywhere but nice choice pieces I do really enjoy of course I am a big Banksy fan amongst others but I have got bored with tags out of context, mind you they do brighten up skate parks.


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