Thursday, 23 February 2017

New drawings again and Thursday stuff.


Above is the drawing I finished last night and another that I am very happy with, each day my altered sketchbook is nearer completion.

Above is the second drawing I did last night, not sure if it is finished looking at it now and I will find out when I start drawing later.

I also did a small art drop.

I also have been set a bit of a challenge to hone my drawing style so I can do small drawings for 'Your Face My Art' art portrait studio up and coming events.

After coming back from a meeting with my wife and Lauren Sebastien at her studio space in The Sloop art and crafts market. I looked in our garden and found this growing an avocado sprouting in february, wow.

Lots of other stuff happened today some of it quite boring and some website work.

I am off to draw and think.

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