Tuesday, 13 June 2017

New drawing and thoughts.


Above is the drawing I started and completed in my drawing session yesterday evening and as usual I am happy with it, a new pattern still within the original frame work of this book project. I should be somewhere near half way through this work by the end of the week.

I have already had a bit of time today to work on another drawing that I started last night I will show it completed tomorrow.

Today has been a mixed day I had three people on my art tour and draw this morning and this afternoon after lunch at home an afternoon helping in the Grocers.

So as I finish this blog I think about James Fox's 'The Art of Japanese Life' that was on the television last evening. A fascinating program with more depth than I thought it would have, which was nice. So since seeing some of the wonderful arts of Japan it made me reflect in a more 'Zen' way than I had done previously. I am drawn to Zen, not in that 60's hippy way not that that was all wrong but maybe I shall read more sometime on the subject but already some hardcore Zen Buddhist thoughts to see how it all really does fit with what I do.

I am off to draw now and hopefully I will have a new drawing or two to show you tomorrow.

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