Friday, 30 June 2017

New drawings, Slate Etching and Graffiti Art.


What a horrible weather day it is here today, so I am going to start this blog like most of the others reflecting or just showing what I have done over the last 24 hours. I do this blog on a daily basis as part of my routine and to show what an artist like me does with my art time outside of life and work although sometimes I disclose a bit of that as well to give context.

So above and below are two pages I worked on last night and a little bit of today.

As you can see above are the two pages together, it is quite a bold statement in one small-ish book and I am wondering if I will get much done tonight as we are out at our friends Tree and Ally for dinner. They are the driving force behind the progressive music band Emerald Dawn.

Above are the results of my first etching on slate, I really like they way it has come out and want to get on with more partly because I would like to develop it for a workshop but I would also like to develop it for a series of drawings.

Above is a photo of Porthmeor today to show how deserted it is in these bad weather conditions, too rough for surfers and a great contrast to last week when it was still and warm, let us hope things improve next week. It is always a shame to lose an art tour to the weather but yesterday and today I really don't blame folk for not wanting to go out and draw in these inclement conditions.

As always in the quiet times of my day I start thinking of a whole range of 'art' thoughts and have just been reflecting on last nights art documentary 'A Brief History of Graffiti', an art form that I have always been down with, from the street art side up to the gallery works of its more famous luminaries. I like the way the program started with cave paintings and hand reliefs with ocre pigment right through to scratches into plaster and stone through the ages and how that kind of fitted in with my slate etching. There was a whole section that featured gallery work by Sowat and Lek and indeed their team. They took over a whole gallery and it ran very much in conjunction with the expansive thoughts I have had about what I would do with a whole gallery to play with. Other highlights were Blek le Rat and also the whole train works of Lee. The whole thing just makes me want to work harder to get more out in the world and to leave my mark.

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