Sunday, 29 January 2017

New drawings and new pics of slightly older drawings.

So this weekend has been mainly home based as the weather has not been great and we have been doing some home inprovements but that does mean I didn't factor in some drawing time. Below are some new and some improved obliteraty's from my altered sketchbook work that is now nearly two weeks in the making.

I am finding these a lot of fun to do and they are taking my mind a little of the state the world is getting into. It frees me up while I draw to think nice things rather than watch our politicians screw this world up.

This was just the coloured sharpie lines but I thought it needed more so added the fine liner lines.

Above could be the my favourite obliterarty yet, you can sort of make out that there is a delicate painting behind all the marks. This is not an experiment in destroying other peoples work but just me getting enjoyment from where the thoughts and actions will manifest.

Above and below two grid works in the altered sketchbook, I like the way they leap off the page.

Above is another drawing from the said book but last night I thought it was unfinished and need a more colourful setting so here it is.

Above is the last one I did last night featuring grids and lines. In someways the grids and lines are very much my thing when I leave dots out of the equation.

Above is the last work in my last 'whole sketchbook work' It covers the last page and the back inside cover. It started as just the last page but the back cover was so inviting it had to be done.

Above is an example I think of me actually achieving being more minimal. I love the way ink bleeds, I don't know why but it ticks a box in my head as does creating new drawings.

Above is also a more minimal one but starting to gather in it's complexity.

Above is another from the said book but much lass minimal, maybe minimal in it's initial concept but not in the execution. For these images from my last finished sketchbook I must thank my good friend Jordan Jackson. Feel free to see more of his fantastic photographic work with this link

We were going for a walk but darkness seems to have snuck up on us so maybe just a quick visit to the shop before shutting the door and keeping the winter out and to get some more work done.

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