Saturday, 7 January 2017

Art Drop, New Work and work in porogress

Above is part of an art drop I did today and below is where I left them, although looking at the photo now it is not that a massive clue. It was a quick pic because a couple were walking up quite close and I try to do these drops without being noticed, although sometimes it is remarkble what people don't notice in plain sight.

Above is a postcard sized drawing that I di last evening, very me I think.

I found an empty page in my what I thought was finished sketchbook so I have added some dots, not sure if it is finished.

I also managed today to get a couple of hours work done on this one above and I feel that still a good few hours to do on it I am well into the end game with this one. Below is a close-up that shows a what I think is an interesting section.

I started this blog a couple of hours ago but had to stop to watch the Bowie documentary on BBC 2 'The Last Five Years' and now I don't know what to write I have that last hour and a half of television whirring around my brain. It was an excellent watch and I found it quite an emotional journey with one of the Icons of creativity. I am a big fan and what a legacy.

Off to draw....