Sunday, 11 September 2016

Sunday and a day off.

Above are some of the things I drew on last night.

Above is the small amount of progress on my current large scale drawing. I am having to just dip into this drawing every now and again but bit by bit it will have to be while I am busy with September Festival Workshops at Barnoon.

Today has been a non art day with our friends that are staying with us and we were then joined for lunch by friends from Exeter. Eventually after eating and coffee and a walk we then ended up at the Torsten Lauschmann instillation at Porthmeor studio 5. It must be my 4th time at least but it is good to taken new people to this playful show.

Above and below are two of my early wood crate drawings, when I was first starting to work in colour, they go along way on the journey that I am now working on.

Above and below are two more that I did in this initial exploration of drawing on wood.


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