Sunday, 18 September 2016

Blimey what a week..... Big Drawings

Blimey, I have had a week this week busier than anything in ages and consequently I didn't finish any drawings last night and today I have done a guitar workshop for 8 people at the Barnoon Workshop as part of the September Festival. So I thought I would show some of the large scale drawings that I have done in the last year that are all still for sale in St Ives either at mine and Zoe Eaton's exhibition 'Art Lovers' at Cafe Art St Ives or at the UYS Gallery St Ives.

Some of these drawing as you can see do take quite a long time and I have now embarked on another one which is below. Ok it only a section but it is on an A1 bit of paper.

I am off to draw and recover cheers.....

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