Wednesday, 28 September 2016

New Drawings, painting and guitar classes.

Above is the first drawing I completed last night by adding green sharpie dots to it. I found it earlier when it was just the graphite dots in an old water colour pad, must have started it months ago.

Above is the second one, 1,400 dots.

Another from last night, berry red and amber Windsor & Newton promarker with the blender pen and some uni pin dots.

While using the blender pen on the stripe drawing the bleneder pen bled this through and I though it was so lovely that I just added a few uni pin dots and her presto, Minimal!

As I had done gestural figrative drawing on the drop in and draw at Barnoon Workshop I thought I would do two gestural line drawing and above and below are the results. I really like them and the seem to fit with in my own personal art bounderies.

Today I have coated 3 large Mdf boards that are going to be the start of the Barnoon Workshop/ Gallery experience that we hope to bring to the world soon and done 2 separate guitars lesson the second I had 6 on my Beginners Guitar Workshop we have every wednesday evenings.

Blogging, then of to draw and relax Cheers!

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