Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Some of my day and Obliterarty drawings.


Today started with a soap making workshop up at Barnoon which my wife ran, I did a water run and then went off on my drawing tour of buildings and architecture and finished at 12:30 had a quick lunch and then I spent an afternoon in the grocers and then went back up to the workshop to do a guitar session. I got home by nine o'clock.

I have failed to get a pic of my latest drawing that is now complete and I am wondering what to draw next and so for now I have shared some of my 'Obliterarty' drawings. I have now done three obliterarty books and I am sure I will do more when I get the right book to convert/remix. I really enjoy the process of changing a book that may be obsolete and giving it new life so below are some of the pages/drawing from Obliterarty Vol 2.

Below are three drawings  that may have influenced some of the obliterarty works.

And there is my blog for today.

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