Sunday, 15 May 2016

New drawings, thoughts, dots and grids

Above is a new drawing that I started Friday and finished last night, 24 grids and lots of dots.

Above is a drawing constructed using the wedge end of my new letraset marker with berol pen dots.

Above is the bleeding narrative version without extra dots, nice and pure I think.

Above is the next bleed with letraset set dots in each grid.

Above is the final bleed, both the above might not be finished yet but I thought I would show them to you anyway as a good reference to how I work.

Today we must have been very tired from our week and finally had a lie-in and then up to Barnoon Workshop to do a few things, we put a new sign up near the workshop and near Porthmeor Beach. We then took a wander around town and visited Deborah at the Sloop Art and Craft Market. There is a unit becoming available there.

I also did a short art drop today...

More art and thinking to do, cheers.....

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