Monday, 17 October 2016

Some work and starting the week.

Hello, Today's blog will be slightly different from recent ones. I did finish a drawing last night but it is too dark to take a pic so I will show it another day. So, what I give you today is this little visual insight into, what is a random selection of my work done in the last year. From large drawings A1 to smaller works and book work. So here they are below.....


On hand made paper

Two drawings from 'Double Chill'

Two more drawings from 'Double Chill'

On mountboard

First Blackstar

Whole sketchbook work

I have to admit I like them all, well they do feel quite a part of me as in the time taken on most of them. It is a bit like seeing a friend you have not seen for a while when I view these again. Not a bad feeling to have about your own work. I do not seem to be the type of artist that doesn't like their own works from the past.

Below, something different:-

As usual this Monday morning I attended the drawing class at Barnoon Workshop led by my wife Zoe Eaton. We did some exercises with left and right hand drawing and then made a collage/drawing and above is mine, not done this for a long time and what fun it was too.


Off to draw.

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